Samudra Manthana is one of the best-known episodes in the Hindu philosophy narrated in the Bhagavtam Purana, in the Mahabharata and in the Vishnu Purana. The samudra manthana explains the origin of Amrita, the nectar.
As the story goes, once upon a time, both Devtas and Asur were in a fix and together they opined to do Samudra manthana i.e. churning of the Ocean. The purpose was to obtain the amrita i.e. nectar from the depth of the ocean which would be most beneficial thing for them. They used Vasuki snake as the churning rope and mountain Mandara as the churning rod.
From the Manthana came out very precious gems and other impeccable treasures. Then came the poison. Poison was good enough to destroy everyone. Then arose Shiva who drank the poison for welfare of all. Amrita – the nectar was the end result. All those who focused to get it, got the Amrita.
What is this corona episode doing to us? Samudra Manthana. Isn’t it? Snake is the main cord. (An animal in corona episode is the main cord). All people across 5 oceans are in a fix. Irrespective of their good or bad qualities. Corona poison has come out. Corona will destroy everyone.
On the other hand, precious and impeccable gems and treasures have also come out like family time, introspection time, meditation time, global harmony, communal harmony. Values like empathy, sympathy, care, cause, Self-control, stop & limit have emerged. Additionally, better environment with clear skies, hygiene, pollution in control, fearless animals, happy birds, healthy air has resulted. Those who are true seekers of this Amrita will get it.
But corona -the poison is still there and is good enough to kill everyone. Where is Shiva? Rather let us contemplate, who is Shiva? As per Nirvana Shatakam, Shiva is the consciousness. Shiva is above all material forms & desires and is devoid of duality. Shiva is infinite, pure and blissful. Now, where do we find Shiva to drink this Corona poison and save us? Well the answer was given long back by sage Adi Shankaracharya who decodes Shiva by giving us the sacred mantra “Shivoham”. The essence is that ‘I am Shiva’! Deep inside everyone there is Shiva. Shiva is me. Am one with Shiva. There is no duality and no materialism. Oneness! Oneness with the Universe, Oneness with the nature!
We all know corona is a poison that can kill everyone within no time. Shiva can take care of the poison. But what is human’s current state? Shivoham or opposite? Let’s do the churning to understand.
Mankind has done enough damage to all others versions of nature in name of greed. Just think of the current relations between humans. It has deteriorated to the shameful levels. Child abuse, rapes, murders, human trafficking has grown multifold. Cases of children abandoning their parents and vice versa has grown. Family bonding is a question mark. Millions of black money is hoarded knowingly that millions of children die of starvation. A morsel of food which money can easily be bought with few pennies, never came as a global effort to eradicate deaths due to starvation. Likewise, never a large scale of global effort came for enhancing harmony in the universe. Additionally, humans went to worship in shrines but outside killed in name of God. Hypocrisy and duality are the current state of humans.
Moreover, humans have created chaos instead of harmony. In name of economic wellbeing, they injured many others species and destroyed their habitat. They have no tolerance for other versions of the universe. Humans have polluted the sky, oceans and the air. Even the space outside earth has a chaos of satellites, space stations and lost garbage. Duality and hypocrisy have easily replaced Oneness and purity at large. Humans are One with the universe is by and large forgotten.
It is high time to evoke the Shiva in yourself. When 7.8 billion people on this earth will be in harmony with all other forms of universe. It will be infinite and pure bliss. Infinite purity will gulp the tiny corona virus for good. During this Corona Manthan, make conscious efforts for “Oneness” now and in future.
Shivoham! Shivoham! Shivoham!